Letter written by Charles Darwin


1p, 4½"x7", embossed "Down, Beckenham, Kent," Nov 29, 1881. On mourning stationery [death of his brother Erasmus] to
Lady Dorothy Nevill for whom he had signed a copy of his latest book, The Formation of Vegetable Mould, Through the Action
of Worms. "...I rarely come to London, but on the two last occasions I had hoped for the honour & pleasure of calling on you.
Time & strength, however, failed me. I am glad that you have been at all interested by my book on earth-worms..."


letter 1 | letter 2 | letter 3 | letter 4 | letter 5 | letter 6
letter 7 | letter 8 | letter 9 | letter 10 | letter 11| letter 12 | letter 13
letter 14 | Funeral Card | letter 14 | letter 16 | letter 17
letter 18 | letter 19 | letter 20 | letter 21


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