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The DNA Store - the largest selection of DNA products
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Welcome to The DNA Store. The only place in the world that assembles usefull DNA products under one roof. Most of our items are manufactured only for us and by us. We maintain a pride in fast service, honest pricing and unique products. If you have any questions, our phone number is at the very bottom of every page or you can contact us by email at Feel free to look around - go the the word "shop" on the menu above and choose an area to view

Our company was started in 2002. For the longest time we had discussed the lack of DNA items on the market, so in 2002, we registered the name, bought the web site and started with 4 items. Since that time, we have grown rather large. We are located in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Our intent is: To maintain a pride in fast service, honest pricing and unique products.

We design 85% of our products and have them specially made for The DNA Store. It is seldom that we serve as a re-seller for another company, although it does happen when someone else has a good enough product that we are excited about . Most of the items on our pages are only offered by us. We stand behind what we sell and have always tried to maintain that adage that we treat the customer the way we would like to be treated if the roles were reversed.

We do not re-sell names or emails - we wouldn't know how to do that if we wanted to.

The DNA Store is a fun place to look around and see unique and specialty items relating to DNA. Sometimes we stretch the items 'relationship' a bit, if it cool. For instance we came across Gregor Mendel's signature on a letter he wrote as an Abbot in his monastery. That is not exactly DNA, but it was so cool, we had to offer it sale. That is such a rare item.

Our address:
The DNA Store
15270 Pleasant View Drive
Colorado springs, CO 80921

The phone number is at the bottom of ever page on the web.

You can contact me, Doug Lundberg, the owner, at