Giant DNA Cube

The DNA Store has just commissioned a giant DNA molecule etched inside a glass cube. This is a monster - not only the biggest available, but also the most beautiful piece of art imaginable. With this piece, you will step back and truly appreciate the beauty of DNA
This sculpture is a 3D model laser-etched into an optically perfect crystal. It is about 12 inches tall x 3 inches x 3 inches and weighs a whopping 10.5 pounds. It is heavy - VERY heavy. If you ever wanted an impressive trophy, this is it.
This is breath taking, you can use this as a center piece, a retirement gift, a top prize, or you may just want it for your desk or classroom since it is so beautiful. It comes is a black gift box. This would even be impressive as a center piece on a table for that special occasion. It does need a base to show well..

Here is an interesting situation. We have a number of these cubes with broken boxes (or even no box). The cubes are perfect though. If you are purchasing one for yourself, you might consider this special deal where the box is broken or not there. It is a good savings. We are offering these at $109 per cube. Now please understand, if this is a gift, do not consider this deal, but if the box is just something you would throw away, then this is one heck of a deal.