Welcome to The DNA Store. The only place in the world that assembles DNA products under one 'cell'. Most of our items are manufactured only for us and by us. We maintain a pride in fast service, honest pricing and unique products. If you have any questions, our phone number is at the very bottom of every page or you can contact us by email at sales@thednastore.com. Feel free to look around - go the the word "shop" on the menu above and choose an area to view

DNA Gifts

DNA Cubes


If you are looking for school, corporate or business gifts, we have specific suggestions for you. Probably the most interesting item is the DNA cube. They come in 4 sizes. The bases that are offered (at the bottom of the web page) are perfect to have a small brass imprinted plaque. One of our customers had an engraved brass plaque made at their local Hallmark store and put it on the side of the black, lighted cube base. They said it looked wonderful.

Second, if this is for a male, then take a look at the large selection of DNA ties.

Third, you might want to consider wine glasses. These are new and quite beautiful (and affordable).

Finally, consider our DNA lights. These are very special and not expensive. They are cool.

Very unique DNA socks...............

One heck of a sale on DNA models!

Take a look at our 'miscellaneous' page...................there are so many good items here, you will just have fun looking at them.

We do not personalize anything, we only supply the unique items.

DNA stemmed wine glass
DNA socks
DNA Models

While the shopping cart does not give the option of FedEx, we do ship FedEx. After the order, send us an email and we will figure out the costs for you.