Barbara McClintock's Famous Scientists Stamp Sheet
Barbara McClintock's Stamp Sheet

American Scientists (Barbara McClintock, Josiah Willard Gibbs, John von Neumann, Richard Feynman), Full Sheet of 20 x 37-Cent Postage Stamps, USA 2005, Scott 3906-09
After World War II, von Neumann worked to develop large scale, high-speed electronic computers with stored programs. His design of the IAS computer – the von Neumann Architecture – became the model for most of its successors.
Feynman shared the 1965 Nobel Prize in Physics. His work on quantum electrodynamics described the interactions of charged, subatomic particles and electromagnetic fields. He invented “Feynman diagrams,” arrows and squiggles that show particle activity.
McClintock found that color changes in successive generations of maize were turned on or off by genetic “switches.” Moreover, these switches could move from one part of a chromosome to another. Her discovery was crucial to later genetic research.
In the age of steam, Gibbs formulated the laws of thermodynamics – the relationship between heat and other forms of energy. His rules had applications to chemistry, manufacturing, and engineering.

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