Alfred Russell Wallace Handwritten Letter


Alfred Russell Wallace Letter


Alfred Russel Wallace  Handwritten LetterItem SKU: HIST5

Two pages, 8.5 X 7 inches. Each page is folded in half with a subsequent fold to each side and also a quarter fold to each. Otherwise the letter is in pristine shape, noting yellwoing of the paper. The letter is dated December 15, 1907. It is written to a Professor J. H. Poguting. The first paragraph states:

"Thanks for the copy of your paper on the temperature question; which I have read with great interest. and can follow the reasoning's better than in your first (letter?)."

At the end of the letter, there is a full signature of Alfred R. Wallace. The back of the second page states "excuse two sheets I turned over these 2 in mistake. A.R.W."

For details about the entire letter, we have provided both an image and a pdf of the letter for your perusal.

All pages as PDF's:

Page 1

Page 2

Page 3

Alfred Russel Wallace  Handwritten LetterItem SKU: HIST5



Alfred Russel Wallace  Handwritten LetterItem SKU: HIST5



Alfred Russel Wallace  PicturePicture of Alred Wallace




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