Welcome to The DNA Store. The only place in the world that assembles usefull DNA products under one roof. Most of our items are manufactured only for us and by us. We maintain a pride in fast service, honest pricing and unique products. If you have any questions, our phone number is at the very bottom of every page or you can contact us by email at sales@thednastore.com. Feel free to look around - go the the word "shop" on the menu above and choose an area to view

2009 Charles Darwin £2 Coin
2009 Charles Darwin £2 Coin $43.95
2003 DNA £2 Coin
2003 DNA, £2 Coin $11.00
2003 DNA £2 Coin
2003 DNA £2 Coin & Stamps $19.00
2009 Darwin Post Card
2009 Darwin Postcard $9.00
2009 Galapagos Island Stamps Sets
2009 Galapagos Stamps Sets $32.00
2009 Prestige Stamp Booklet DX45
2009 Prestige Stamp Booklet DX45 $45.00
Darwin: Stamps and Coin
Darwin: Stamps and Coin $47.95
Sheet of Darwin Stamps
Sheet of Darwin Stamps $39.95
Sheet of UK Galapagos Stamps
Sheet of UK Galapagos Stamps $159.80
Helix Hummingbird Feeder
Helix Hummingbird Feeder $39.95
Maurice Wilkins Photo
MauriceWilkins Press Photo $39
DNA Model
DNA Models - Case of 50...$5.90 each
DNA Tattoos
DNA Tattoos - 10 for $1.00
Genetic Code
Genetic Code $19.95
Blackboard DNA
Blackboard DNA $29.95
50th Anniversary Poster
50th Anniversary Poster $28.95
50th Anniversary Poster
50th Anniversary Poster Signed $495.00
DNA Model
DNA Model M10 $19.00
DNA Model
DNA Model $9.95
DNA Model
DNA Model By The Case...$4.99 each
DNA Cube
Medium DNA Cube $28.95(Medium Cube)
DNA Cube
Giant DNA Cube $137.95(Trophy Sized Cube)
Magnet Words
Magnet Words $3.45
Charles Darwin Crystal Cube
Charles Darwin Cube $2.95
Chromosome Cube
Chromosome Cube $49.95
H1N1 Optical Cube
H1N1 Virus Cube $1.95
Replicating DNA  Pendant
Replicating DNA Pendant $35.00
Gregor Mendel Cube
Gregor Mendel Cube $2.95
Cube Bases
Cube Bases $19.95
Bust of Early Man
Bust of Early Man $68.00(On Sale)
Darwin - The Indelible Stamp Evolution of an Idea
Darwin - The Indelible Stamp Evolution of an Idea $310.00
Darwin Card Holder
Darwin Card Holder $19.00
Science Comics
Original Comics $420
DNA Art $189.00
DNA Pendant
DNA Pendant $9.90
James Watson Signature
James Watson Signature $615.00
Maurice Wilkins Signed Photo
Maurice Wilkins Photo $515
DNA Base Sequence Tie
DNA Base Sequence Tie $29.95
Chromosome Tie
Chromosome Tie $29.95
Sequence Tie
DNA Gel Sequence Tie $29.95
James Watson Signature
James Watson Signature $312
Famous Names
Famous Names in Genetics $29.95
Mitosis $12.95
Genetic Word Tie
Genetic Word Tie $29.95
White Onion Cell Mitosis
White Mitosis$29.95
Wooden Tie Box
Wooden Box For Ties $3.95
Father to Son by James Watson
Father to Son by James Watson - Signed by James Watson $198.00
The Double Helix
The Double Helix - Signed Edition - Signed by James Watson $280.00
Avoid Boring People
Avoid Boring People - Signed by James Watson $269.00
Genes Girls and Gamow
Genes Girls and Gamow - Signed by James Watson $259.00
A Passion for DNA
A Passion for DNA - Signed by James Watson $199.00
Avoid Boring People - Signed by Watson
Avoid Boring People - Signed by Watson! $365.00
Pictorial History of Cold Spring Harbor Labratory
Houses for Science - Signed by James Watson and his wife $275.00
The Annotated and Illustrated Double Helix
The Annotated and Illustrated Double Helix - Signed by Dr. Watson $419.00
George Beadle
Time Magazine - George Beadle $39
Sanger Manuscript & Photo
Sanger Manuscript & Photo $1,950
The Double Helix  - Soft Bound  - Signed by Dr. James Watson
The Double Helix - Soft Bound - Signed by Dr. James Watson $260.00
the Double Helix
The Double Helix - First Edition $659.00
the Double Helix
The Double Helix $399.00
Francis Crick Letter
Francis Crick Letter $2,100
Gel Electrophoresis
Electrophoresis Plate $45
DNA by James Watson
DNA Signed by Watson $479
DNA by James Watson
Overview of all books signed by Watson
A Graphic Guide to the DNA
A Graphic Guide to the DNA Molecule $29.95
James Watson Signed Baseball
James Watson Signed Baseball $310

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